Pathshala S2 E1-2 mp4

Silvia held up the needle. "I am giving you one last chance to change your mind. Are you sure you wish to give up your cunt, for me to use as I please? To abuse to my heart's content?" Angela nodded and made an affirmative sound through her gag, heart raced in fear and excitement. "Hold perfectly still." Silvia directed. Silvia grabbed Angela's right lip between her fingers and pushed the needle up against it. Angela's breath caught. Slowly the needle began to push through the teen pussy flesh, with Silvia clearly taking her time to make sure that Angela felt every layer of skin get pierced. It hurt bad, but god was it hot. And it distracted away from the pain of Angela's tits, which still burned. Finally the needle poked through the pussy lip. Angela almost came. Silvia pulled out a ring and attached it to the needle as she pushed it through, leaving the ring through the lip. Silvia closed the ring. Angela started to struggle as she realized what just happened. This wasn't play. It was footage of a real incest family as mom helped dad deflower their 15-year-old daughter.Two fixed-position cameras combined with a high-quality camera wielded by the parents captured the action, and someone skillfully edited it together.The scene opened with mother and daughter in bed. The room was exquisite, perhaps a master or guest bedroom. They were covered to their shoulders, talking intimately and touching each other’s face. Their lips merged into a passionate kiss, and their hands began to roam.Mother and daughter pushed the covers lower, and it was apparent the mother was naked while her daughter wore a sheer chemise that barely hid her juvenile nipples and hairless vulva.The affection between mother and daughter in the video was becoming more intense. Their mouths were locked together, and the mother’s hands were roaming liberally over the girl’s body. Mother cupped the her daughter’s bottom, and they pressed their groins together.With a few deft moves, mom removed the.
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